Saturday, 30 July 2011
Chubu denryoku and the case against solar
Friday, 29 July 2011
Don't be LED astray... search, and you will find the light!
Would you like a wiring plan, or a plate of spaghetti?
I'd planned the telephone to be plugged in upstairs near the north west corner of the house. There is a telegraph pole on the north side of our land, about four metres from the north west corner of the house. They have things called wireless phones, so there is no need to have telephone wires running around the house any more. The internet connection will also come in on the telephone wire, but I have a wireless port, so once it's in the house, the computers can go anywhere.
For any older readers, I should probably clarify that "wireless" refers to internet technology that does not need to be connected by physical wire, and is not a posh word for a radio.
So, it seemed like a no-brainer to bring a wire from the telegraph pole to the north west corner, then bring it into the house with a metre or so of cable, so that the phone and internet gubbins can be connected.
When I saw the plans, which only came after the electricians started working and under duress, I spotted a telephone wire meandering around the house. The wire comes into the house at the north east corner, then goes out again on the east wall, puncturing the walls and vapour barrier twice. Then meanders all the way across the house to the west wall, where we want it.
The reason for the second puncture is that the phone line needs to go through a protection box, in case there is lightning or something. Rather than being up on the wall next to where the telephone line comes in, this protection box is right next to the electricity metres, so it will be easy to fix it if anything goes wrong, "thinking ahead". Clearly a ladder would be out of the question, presumably since the hypothetical workman in this hypothetical situation may be scared of heights.
And the reason why the telephone line can't come in at the north west corner and must instead go in at the north east is that it won't look very good. In view of the ten-metre high telegraph pole next to the house, with scores of wires coming out of it, I don't think anyone will even notice the wire going to the house, except perhaps in the architect's photos. Maybe I should offer to teach him how to use Photoshop so he can edit it out
At the meeting with the electrician a couple of days ago I said that it was OK and left it to their plans, but since then it's been really bugging me, and I'm strongly minded to put my foot down and insist that they put it all back to the North West corner, "thinking ahead".
This may be a good opportunity to tell Anthony's joke about a conversation between a Japanese, English and Irish IT expert.
"That's nothing," says the Japanese guy. "We had an archaelogical dig in Japan too. And you know what they found?"
The other two shake their heads.
"Silicon," the Japanese guy replies. "And that goes to show that prehistoric Japanese people had optic fibre networks.
"That's nothing," says the Irishman. "We had a dig too, and you know what they found?"
The Englishman and the Japanese shake their heads.
"They found absolutely nothing," says the Irishman with a proud smile. "And that goes to show that the prehistoric Irish had wireless internet."
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Publicity - Probably not for publication
Before | After |
The boss of the builder didn't take too kindly to this, saying that he should have contacted me first, with it being my house. I suggested they should have contacted him first as it was his building site.
Heirarchical politics within building projects
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Flickering lights? Damn those dumb dimmers!
Dear Sir
After reading the latest doses of your blog, I have a question for you. We have LED down lights in a number of rooms, and at a certain brightness they flicker, usually only intermittently. We have been told this is an irresolvable issue, a clash of LED vs dimming technology Comments?
Anyway, there's a threshhold, usually 2 or 3 volts, at which they'll turn on. Since they are diodes and conventionally it only matters whether they pass electricity or not, on or off has traditionally been sufficient for conventional LED uses on displays. LEDs will produce more light with more current, but only above a voltage threshhold, and if there is too much current, the diode will start melting.
Dimmers traditionally work as variably resistors, so the more you turn them, the lower the resistance gets, and the less voltage there is across the dimmer and the more voltage there is going through the light. Conventional Edison-style incandescent lights also work like resistors, so the current is proportional to the voltage (as I'm sure you can remember from Ohm's law) and the amount of heat and light increase accordingly. This kind of old fashioned dimmer may work with light emitting diodes. Alternatively, it might work really badly as the LED will not turn on until the voltage is high enough, and may not dim the light; just turn it on or off.
The problem with resistors is that the current going through them is turning into heat all the time. More recent dimmers work by rapidly switching the electricity on and off. You can see more here on how stuff works dot com. The AC comes in as a sine wave, and each time the sine wave crosses the zero volt line, then switch a little later. If you're only dimming the lights a little, they will switch on very quickly. If you're dimming a lot, they will switch on just before the voltage goes to zero again. This kind of dimmer should work well with an LED as it will switch it on for a shorter or longer part of the cycle.
LEDs use direct current (DC), not alternating current (AC) so within an LED "light bulb" there may a row of LEDs adding up to 100V, and a ring of diodes known as a wheatstone bridge which sends the input AC voltage in the right direction so that one output is always positive and the other is always negative. Or they may have a step down transformer inside them. AC-DC power adaptors usually work by switching the AC to a much higher frequency, then converting it to DC. They may just be switching the voltage off when it's at the top of the sine wave, and far higher than is needed.
The flickering problem with the LEDs may be caused by a number of things. It could be that at a certain level, the voltage is close to the threshold for the LEDs to come on, so they are switching on some cycles and not switching on other cycles. Anything switching on and off 50 or 100 times a second is going to appear to be on all the time. Depending whether it's a US-based system or a UK based system, TVs change their pictures 25 or 30 times a second without appearing to flicker, but if you get down to about ten times a second, it's going to be obviously flickering. Apparently, this is known as the flicker fusion threshold.
By the way, the difference between the 25 frames per second in the US and 30 frames per second in the UK depends, in turn, on whether the voltage is at 50 Hz or 60 Hz. The eastern half of Japan is 50 Hz while the western half is 60 Hz, apparently because in each half generators were introduced from the US and Europe respectively. This means that Japanese electrical appliance are generally made to work at either frequency, which has probably been an advantage in their international marketing. However, I digress.
Another possible cause of the problem is that there are two systems both chopping away at a sine wave, and there is some interference going on, resulting in a lower frequency flickering. If this is the case, and the LED lights have their own devices for chopping 100V AC into lower voltage DC, it may be that an old style variable resistor dimmer would work better.
I asked Mark for more details and found that the "certain brightness" at which they flicker was usually at about two points on the dimmer scale, say 1/3 and 2/3, but not exactly the same for each light, and the nature of the intermittent flickering was that they flicker for a few seconds, then stop, then flicker for a few seconds again, then stop, and so on.
As a solution I suggested he could just try avoiding the level at which they flicker when he dims them, apologising that this was both obvious and not very helpful as the level at which they flicker is clearly the level he wanted! He went on to say:
We have several types of dimmer down lights. The ones that are flickering have replaceable LED bulbs which are not built into the unit. The second type are unreplaceable (as opposed to irreplaceable--a good English lesson there--and built in. They apparently have 200,000 hours in them which will outlive me (though I think the max is really 40,000). These never flicker. At least not yet.
The life expectancy is usually 40,000 hours, but that's 40 years at 3 hours a day, which I think will probably outlive us anyway! In my opinion, irreplacable lights should be unreplaceable.The ideal solution for dimming LEDs would seem to be a dimmer power supply that will output the correct voltage and current for a DC LED. This is available, even in Japan, for example here on Rakuten. But in the worst case, there is an LED light bulb screwed into a conventional fitting, connected to a dimmer switch, and the dimmer switch and the electronics inside the bulb are left to fight it out.
LEDs may be an irresolvable clash between electricians and new technology.
You can see more about how diodes work here on how stuff works dot com. The graphs above came from this website.
Thursday, 14 July 2011
A future without fire... for Chubu Denryoku?
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Compriband - Magical tape
Regular Japanese window frames are the antithesis of this as the aluminium is a great conductor. Also, sliding windows, while great at saving space, defy airtightness. This is just looking at the window moving within the window frame; there must also be no gap between the frame and the house, and whatever is filling that gap should insulate.
The problem is what to do with this gap between the window frame and the house, and German manufacturers Weurth have come up with a tape called Compriband, which can be fitted around the window before it is installed, and it then expands after installation to fill the gap with foam and provide an airtight membrane on the inside.
The tape is passed around the whole window frame. It should be cut diagonally at the join, to ensure the seal. Also, at each corner, there needs to be some extra length.
Getting into the corners
One piece of advice the manager of Pazen gave to me was to look into
the corners. When the Compriband tape is applied, each corner needs a
little extra length, so that the tape can expand to fill the corner,
and the insulation is complete and the airtightness maintained. The picture above is what the corners should look like, with the Compriband filling the gap. In one case, it looks like no extra length was given at the corner.In another case, although it looks like extra length was given, there is some daylight visible at the corner, so the Compriband has not filled its gap.
You can follow Wuerth Japan's blog here
And see a range of their products from their Japanese website here.
Monday, 11 July 2011
Windows going in
So that's one out of three.
The house feels really good with windows, and it may make it a bit cooler over the summer, but with the vapour barrier almost completed, they will have to keep the windows open to avoid suffocation.
Thursday, 7 July 2011
The Levi Strauss effect
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Turning the heat up in the kitchen
Sunday, 3 July 2011
What's that sticking out of the envelope?
A couple of places on the north side present challenges to the insulation performance of the building envelope. The first problem is the external structure of the steps and the roof over the front door. I'd hoped this could be kept as a separate structure to the house, just as the balcony over the southern terrace is, so that it would not affect the building envelope. However, it seemed to be very difficult for the architect to reconcile structural demands. For example, in the case of an earthquake two separate structures would move independently and damage where the roof connects to the wall. Also, with no beams protruding from the main structure, pillars would have had to come out of the foundation right next to the house, which would have been difficult.
Using Therm again, and starting with the pillar in the middle of the wall, we can estimate how much extra heat is being lost by this disturbance in the insulation-wall continuum. I looked at three cases. First, what would happen if the beam just reached the outside wall? Second, how about if it stuck out for 500mm? Next, what if it stuck out for a metre?
The colours in these pictures show thermal flux, white representing a high heat flow and black representing a low heat flow. So you can see that heat is leaking through the corners where the beam protrudes, but is leaking through the surface where it is flush. Practically, to the extent that we should be worried about this thermal bridge, there is a chance that on a hot and humid day in summer, these corners may have a much lower temperature than the ambient, and attract condensation. This is going to be outside in summer rather than inside in winter, and the outside is designed to stand up to rain. Also, it will be most critical when the temperature has just risen, and in these situations the humidity usually drops.
As well as the situation above with a wooden beam sticking out from a perfect wall, as we'd see if we made a horizontal slice through the wall, we should consider this situation, where the middle layer of the wall is wood. For a unit metre of wall, with a metre of beam 240 mm wide sticking out, the U value for a section with the above situation is 0.170 W/m2K, compared with the ideal 0.145 W/m2K. If we look at a 240 mm square section beam, this will represent a difference of 0.006 Watts per Kelvin for the puncture. This amounts to 0.43 KWh lost per year, per beam. If we look at the more severe situation, as if the whole of the the middle layer were wood, the U value (again for 240 mm wide beam sticking one metre out) is 0.215 W/2K; corresponding to a difference of 0.017 W/K, again assuming a square section 240 x 240 mm. The real answer is likely between the two, around 0.011 W/K. Actually, the beams are smaller, so this is a mean estimate. A 120 x 240 mm beam looks closer to 0.006 W/K. There are six of them, so over the year, with 70,000 heating degrees, this comes to a significant 4.8 kWh per annum. We should still be within the passive house limit of 15 kWh/m2a (kilowatt hours per square metre of floor space per year).
It would have been better to work harder to keep this structure outside the envelope, although this may have had structural problems, stuck further out of the house and been more expensive. It could have been a lot worse. Wood is a relatively bad conductor (under 0.2 W/mK). Had it been concrete (around 1 W/mK) or steel (around 40 W/mK) it would have been much worse.
More info, and coincidentally the same example as in my last post here on wikipedia and more here here from the Passive House institute who have pioneered work on thermal bridges.
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Sparks start to fly
I was looking, later, at the 230 watt incandescent bulb that the carpenter has brought to illuminate the workspace. Just wondering what that was doing in a house that's trying to reduce carbon emissions. This one bulb will probably use more electricity than all the lights in the completed house. It would be a great heater on cold winter nights. I'm sure the carpenter has heard of low energy lighting, but it comes down to economics. This kind of bulb is cheaper to buy, and he doesn't have to pay for the electricity. The builders pay for the electricity and the carpenter is just their subcontractor. In fact not even the builders really pay for the electricity, because there's a flat rate regardless of how much is used.