Friday, 26 February 2021
What to do now the 21st century is not even a teenager any more
Being the last video it should probably include a short summary of the main points, but it probably just ends rather abruptly, with more questions asked than answers, and many things left unsaid. A bit like this post.
Tuesday, 23 February 2021
Humidity and Traditional Buildings
Keeping walls airtight is still very important, but we also need to understand how moisture moves through materials, and how important that is if moisture does get into your building materials, which is an undesirable, but unfortunately not unavoidable situation.
Friday, 19 February 2021
Building Culture: Differences between Japan and the UK
In Japan people like new houses but in the UK people like old houses. I think this comes from the fundamental difference that in the UK houses represent capital wealth, while in Japan the value is in the land, and houses are consumables. Before we decided to build, we spent a few years looking at buying a house, and visited many that were unsatisfactory, in one way or another. A few times we noticed houses for sale moving into the list plots of land for sale, as the building was knocked down. In these cases, the price usually went up, suggesting that an old building on a piece of land is a liability and the land becomes more valuable when it is removed.
In the UK, if people want a different house, they will sell up, buy a new one and move. In Japan they will knock the house down and rebuild. Redecoration and renovation are carried out on a regular basis on UK houses, while in Japan they are more of a recent trend.
Saturday, 6 February 2021
Jevons Paradox
Read more about this here:
Wednesday, 3 February 2021
Read more about this here: and here: