Thursday, 21 April 2011

Electricity is on...

A letter came back from Chubu Denki, the local electricity supplier,
saying they had received our application for a contract. The contract
will be for them to buy electricity generated by our solar panels for
the next ten years. And I'm hoping, as the date of the application was
30th March, 2011, that we'll be getting 48 yen for each kilo Watt hour
that we produce, and not the post April 2011 amount of 42 yen. This
will make a big difference over the ten years, especially if we are
selling most of the daytime electricity, and using the night-time off
peak stuff that they will charge us 9 yen for.

I'm not 100% sure that it does mean that as the letter back from them
did not mention any prices and said that these, and other details of
the contract, would come later.