August was definitely a good month. About 150 kWh more than May, which
had been the best month before then. You can see how well we're doing
here, with the actual monthly generation in green and the simulated
monthly below it, for the whole year. As I write the September
generation is just based on the first week, so it may get better or
worse. The simulation is quite a lot worse than August, although
August was not the best month in the simulation.
There is quite a variation between the simulation and the actual
results, and we are doing much better in the summer, and were doing a
little worse in the winter, so the overall the simulation seems
pessimistic. Of course this year's weather may have been exceptional,
and the differences could be accounted for by that. We'll need a few
years' data before we can really know how accurate the simulation was.
To get an idea of why August was so good, you can see from this chart
that there were just very few days with low generation. Also there was
relatively little limitation of the power output, in fact the least
since records began. Less than two hours over the whole month,
compared with almost twenty hours in May.