Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Low Energy Building Course: Every Tuesday Afternoon—Starts 2nd October

Not only can students at my university take the 15-week Low Energy Building course, it's also open to members of the public!

You can read the syllabus below. And find more information about other courses open to the public here.

See you in room 26 half past two!

・Students will learn how basic science affects buildings
・Students will learn how buildings affect the environment and how culture affects building practices
Buildings use over one third of all energy consumed in Japan, as in many other developed countries. In a world of increasing population and limited fossil fuel reserves, reduction in building energy consumption is important. As well as drastically reducing consumption, low energy buildings can be more comfortable, more healthy and less expensive over their lifetime.
This course will introduce students to the principles, the practicalities, and the future of low-energy building.
(2)授業の概要This course will show how simple scientific principles affect buildings, and how insulation, airtightness and good windows can lead to houses with very low energy consumption. We will see how the use of solar power can make buildings that produce energy. We will look at low-energy buildings around the world, including the German Passivhaus standard. We will also consider the design process, including compromise, optimisation and guesstimates.
(4)授業計画1. What is a low-energy building?
2. What is energy?
3. Insulation and thermal envelopes
4. Compound insulation and thermal bridges
5. Why do we feel hot or cold?
6. Air and water
7. Windows
8. Ventilation
9. Windows 2.0
10. Energy standards and low-energy building around the world
11. To zero energy and beyond: Buildings as solar generators
12. Passivhaus
13. Economics and ecology, embodied carbon and life cycle analysis
14. Presentations
15. Review

This plan may change to meet the needs of the class
(5)成績評価の方法Students must complete weekly online activities in eALPs to pass this course. Students will be expected to participate in class and give presentations.
Online quizzes: 80%
Online forums:  10%
Presentations: 10%
(6)成績評価の基準The university policy states that students need 60% to pass, 70% for a B, 80% for an A, and 90% for an S.
(7)事前事後学習の内容Additional information will be made available on eALPS.
(8)履修上の注意The class will mainly be conducted in English. It will be possible for students to ask questions, complete assignments and give presentations in Japanese.